Welcome, dear reader. I am Ethel Flamerod, proud Helfan and founding member of HEAT, the Human Elf Association for Truth.
Having only recently discovered my true species identity, I am embarking on a mission to find my helfan brothers and sisters across the globe. I am also hoping to end the embargo on the truth about our existence, which has been buried by the elfin establishment and ignored by the entire human population for centuries.
In the coming months, I shall tell you the truth about elves -- their origins, history and their interdependent relationship with the human species -- and their dirtiest little secret, their Helfan offspring who suffer needlessly because they don't understand their special gifts and abilities.
I realize that this endeavor opens me to great risk, so I am asking you to be my witness, my confidant, and my advocate. If I do not write at least once a week, I beg of you to alert the authorities and demand an investigation into my disappearance. I suspect that the CIA, or INTERPOL, or (G-d forbid) Santa himself, will seek to silence me.
I shall not be silenced.
I am Helfan! Hear me roar!!!!!
OMG-d, I'm an elf and I didn't realize it until I took your questionnaire! I should have guessed, though, since I've always suspected that my mother was an elf and I know at least one of my daughters is. (Plus I have a sneaking suspicion that my cousin is married to a Santa Claus elf -- the one with the extra-large circumference whose head is popping up through his hair.) Can't wait to read Fledgling.